Fresh air is extremely important for a healthy lifestyle. However, the air quality in the rooms in which we are every day is often heavily polluted. We can seldom see it, but unfortunately we can often smell it. For example in gastronomy or in overcrowded offices. Our ionization systems copy the natural processes of air purification. Due to the generation of activated oxygen, these ensure a pleasant, healthy room climate and reduce the amount of microorganisms that can lead to diseases. Neutralize odors in an uncomplicated way, without the use of chemicals and radiation and without problems in long-term operation: Air purification as nature shows us – for a healthy well-being.
We are the official Swiss representation of the company «Air Repair Services GmbH» and Salespartner of the German «Bioclimatic GmbH«.
Since the beginning of 2020, coronavirus had become a constant topic of conversation around the world and we were confronted with this threat and its side effects on a daily basis. Almost everyone wished for a return to normal everyday life, but this could only be achieved once this crisis had been overcome.
But how can we minimize the risk of infection in principle, prevent worse and put an end to corona or other viruses?
We are happy to help you!


The model of this principle is a completely natural process: The sun basically produces the same number of negative small ions per cm³ in the ambient air, as we can reproduce with the coronary discharge in a «human» way with an electron tube.
Oxygen ions are generated as oxidizing agents and the oxidation of the organic odorous substances leads to the environmentally friendly products CO² and H²O.
The generation of highly concentrated and harmful ozone is avoided if possible or, if necessary, broken down again after use. Thus, our technology remains safe for flora and fauna.
The generated negative ions reduces germs, viruses and bacteria and neutralize odors sustainably. Our technology uses these effects specifically for you.
We clean the air based on natural and physical phenomena due to negatively charged ions.
Neutralizing odors and preventing depression, tiredness or the sick building syndrome are among the positive effects. In addition, many of our customers with allergies report more comfortable conditions due to the binding of pollen.
With the activated oxygen you can breathe deeply again as if you were standing in the great nature.
Viruses (e.g. Covid-19), multi-resistant germs and bacteria are more present and dangerous than ever these days. With ionization, however, these viruses are greatly reduced!
It has also been verified by various public institutions.
This is rightly used in all areas in which humans and animals stay or in which food is handled.
Protect yourself and your loved ones and stay healthy!
Volatile chemical compounds from industry or cleaning agents ultimately cause dizziness or pungent smells. These are also neutralized and made harmless to living beings.
A low energy requirement, without the use of toxic waste or chemicals, also protects the environment and nature. The ions generated are also absolutely harmless to humans and animals.
Posterity will thank you.
Savings of up to 20% in energy costs (in cooling or heating mode) and up to 25% in maintenance and operating costs are possible. You increase your general well-being and your productivity in the work area or in your controlled living space ventilation. Well-maintained devices can therefore have a service life of 30 years and more.
You invest farsightedly.
Experts for odor neutralization - worldwide!
We are always there for you and will not leave you alone! Our unique full service accompanies you throughout the entire process. Starting with your special requirements, through finding a solution with devices or systems specially designed for you, through to continuous maintenance to ensure that it functions over the long term. You can also easily obtain spare parts from us. Ask us for advice at any time. We’re here to help.
Engineering and plant construction
We calculate, plan and build the required systems at the location you want. With our many years of experience, we can advise you competently and ensure that the systems function optimally.
Maintenance and upkeep
We service defective ionizing devices directly on site or pick them up in order to make them fully functional again in one of our expert laboratories. Whereas the systems are serviced on site by Air-O-Clean specialists.
Ionizing devices
With our ionizing devices, we have the opportunity to improve your quality of life as well. We have the right device for all areas of indoor air improvement, from the smallest device for the car to large-scale installations in ventilation and air conditioning systems.
long-lived and high quality
Our customers are at the center of everything we do. Our clientele includes equally private, commercial, service and industrial companies, as well as the public sector. In addition, the products are high quality, durable and repairable. They are characterized by high efficiency and low energy consumption. We work reliably, transparently and comprehensibly.
Household & Office
Comprehensive solutions for apartments and rooms of all sizes. Our devices reduce the number of microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria in the air.
With our practical devices for your vehicle, you will experience a new feeling of freshness. In doing so, you also prevent diseases caused by air pollution.
Business & Industry
Neutralizing odors is our daily bread. Avoid odors in your company with our installations. Make it possible for employees and guests to have a fresh room climate.
News about our developments and public appearances. We always keep you up to date. Just take a look. It’s worth taking a look.

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